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Reviewer Registration

ISTPress invites scholars from academia, scientist from industries and graduate students of universities to register as reviewer with IST. The candidates are requested to upload information about their research achievements and experience; more importantly the reviewers are requested to mention 5-7 keywords related to their area of interest, this will facilitate IST editors to decide the type of papers, which will be sent to them for review.

Reviewer Incentives

ISTPress realizes the importance of time of our valued reviewers which they will spend on reviewing IST submitted papers. To acknowledge the efforts consumed on review work and to get a prompt response from the reviewers, certain credit is offered to the reviewers, which can be used to minimize the publishing cost. The credits earned by the reviewers can be used by themselves as well as it can be transferred to their intended recipient (friends, mates, students). The reviewer credit is especially beneficial to those reviewers who also intend to be the future author of any IST publication, since they can use the earned credit to reduce the cost of publishing. The accumulated credit could also help to promote a reviewer to the status of Associate Editor.

The credit is given in the following way.

  • Upon registering as a reviewer on IST website (one time only): 10 Credits

  • Upon evaluation of reviewer by Editors (one time only):15 Credits

  • Upon timely/satisfactorily completion of complete round of manuscript review: 25 Credits (transferable)

  • If a reviewer belongs to a developing country, he can further add a maximum of 50 to his earned credits.

  • Partly/fully support to register a paper for an IST supported conference.

  • Up-gradation to the level of Associate Editor: a reviewer may be considered upon successful completion of a certain number of reviews and recommendation by the board of editors. Associate Editor is a highly distinctive and paid position offered by IST.

The award of credits is subject to the following conditions:

  • Registering as reviewer will allow earning 10 credits right away.

  • Based on reviewer's experience, his successful evaluation will allow earning 15 credits or less.

  • In case of holding an International Conference supported by IST, the IST leading reviewers will be partly/fully supported to register/attend the conference.

  • Timely completion of review will be acknowledged by awarding maximum credits.

  • Satisfactory completion of review will be acknowledged by awarding a maximum of 25 credits. To get maximum credits, the reviewers are encouraged to furnish useful references that may help the authors improve their articles. The earning of maximum credits is subject to the final disposal of a manuscript.

Transfer of credits

If a reviewer does not wish to avail his earned credits, he/she can transfer the transferable credits to any IST author whose article is finally accepted for publication. This can be done by simply writing an email to IST support, mentioning the user IDs of the email originator (reviewer) and the intended recipient of credits (author).

Reviewer Instructions

IST offers an open source for the readers to gain knowledge about the latest technologies free of cost. The whole idea of International Science Transactions is to provide researchers an academic platform where their precious work containing novel ideas are evaluated in the fastest possible and affordable manner. For this purpose we request the reviewers to make best endeavors to follow the deadlines of review. The peer review process of the IST comprises the following 6 steps:

  1. The Corresponding Author submits a manuscript.

  2. The Editor/Associate Editor solicits and assigns Reviewers for the manuscript, for review.

  3. The Reviewers evaluate the manuscript and return their comments to the Associate Editor.

  4. The Associate Editor evaluates the manuscript with the reviews.

  5. The Associate Editor sends reviews and publication recommendations to the Corresponding Author.

  6. Depending on the recommendation, the decision may be:

    1. Accepted in the present form, the Author submits a final version of the manuscript; carefully considering formatting instructions, filling out the copyright form and sending the cost of publication.

    2. Accepted provided minor revisions are made; the Author submits a revised manuscript which goes back to steps 3 or 4 depending on the extent of the revisions.

    3. Resubmit and re-review, the Author submits a revised manuscript which goes back to steps 2 or 3 depending on the availability of same reviewers.

    4. Rejected, implies paper not suitable for publication in the journal. However we still encourage the authors to resubmit after thorough revision provided substantial changes for re-consideration are made. The authors may submit a fresh paper or improved version of the previously submitted paper, but with such a decision, new reviewers will be assigned and a complete new review process will take place.

As a Reviewer, you are responsible for step #3.

Reviewing Manuscript

To facilitate the reviewers and to clearly depict the quality of a manuscript, the review form contains several attributes to be selected according to the standard of a manuscript, however, apart from selecting the choices, the reviewers are strongly encouraged to fill out the complete review form by precisely mentioning the weaker areas of the paper. Suggesting a useful reference that is missed out by the authors is a highly desirable feature of a quality review. The reviewers who agree to perform review; will access the "Manuscript" online, download the Manuscript and return the review comments before the deadline. If a reviewer finds that the manuscript is out of scope of his academic area or due to his personal commitments, he is unable to return the review by/before the deadline, he must notify IST by sending an email (to or well before the submission deadline for timely arrangement of an alternative.


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