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ISTPress charges a nominal publication cost of $225 (USD) for each accepted manuscript not exceeding 8 pages and formatted according to IST template. This cost is to sustain usual running of the press, since ISTPress does not sell research articles and offers all published articles free of cost. The standard charges of $225 (USD) can be reduced by working as reviewer for ISTPress. For details, refer to the link of Reviewers Information. ISTPress also realizes the difference of average income between developed and developing countries, therefore the authors of developing countries can get a max discount of $50, i.e. if an author is a faculty member or graduate student of a university of a developing country, he/she is entitled to request for a 50 USD discount on publication cost. Authors can claim for further discount on publication cost if they have earned IST credits while carrying out reviews. For example an author belonging to a developing country, who has also carried out the review of 2 papers for ISTPress, will be required to pay only $110 as publication cost for his own accepted manuscript.

Note that final printed pages are in a single-spaced and double-column format, which is NOT the same as the format for initial paper submission. Accepted papers will be formatted by authors according to the template provided. Initial paper submission should be within, but not restricted to, a maximum of 20 pages (inclusive of all sections and illustrations) with double-line spacing, single-column per page, and clear fonts with 12-pt size.

A minimum amount of $100 will be charged as publication cost of each manuscript, even after claiming all sorts of discounts/credits. For papers exceeding eight printed pages (final camera ready manuscript), inclusive of illustrations, there is a charge of $20 per additional page. The authors of accepted papers will be required to send an email to ISTPress to enquire the exact publication cost and preferred mode of payment.


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