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Q.1. Can I submit my paper to more than one transaction at a time.

Ans:     No, the paper can only be submitted to one transaction at a time.

Q.2. If my paper is rejected from one transaction, can it be submitted to another transaction.

Ans:     Yes, the paper can be submitted to another transaction, provided that one reason of rejection is weaker relevance to the scope of the particular transaction. If an article is submitted to another transaction after rejection, the author must notify the editors.

Q.3. Are IST transactions indexed by ISI

Ans:     The transactions are not yet indexed by ISI, however the indexing is in progress with major citation indices.

Q.4. Are there page charges for an accepted article.

Ans:     Yes, page charges apply to the accepted articles.

Q.5. Are there any exceptions to the payment of page charges.

Ans:     Yes, articles of high merit published in IST Transactions and are cited in other articles of leading journals (SCI/SCI-E) will be entitled for a refund of page charges.

Q.6. What services are covered by standard page charges.

Ans:     Online publishing of the article is covered under standard page charges. For CDROM or print version, additional charges will apply.

Q.7. I have submitted my paper 2 months ago, but so far, I have not received the review result.

Ans:     Please visit the online Status Information about your submitted paper. Check the date on which your paper has been assigned reviewers. Starting from that date, if a time of 8 weeks is already passed, you may send an email to informing the delay in review by quoting your paper number. Please write “Delayed Review-Paper No” in the subject field of your email.

Q.8. My paper is finally accepted for publishing. What am I supposed to do next?

Ans:     Please arrange to pay for the page charges, the information about payment can be found on the website or it can be enquired from Please write “Payment Information-Paper No” in the subject field of your email.


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