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  • Enhanced Citations: A universal important factor for all authors is impact, typically measured by the number of times an article is cited. Easy access and enhanced readability increases the possibility of citations.

  • Faster Evaluation: International Science Transactions Press aims to provide an academic platform to researchers where their precious work is evaluated in a timely and affordable manner.

  • Quality of Evaluation: IST invites authors to submit their work for a quality review and in an affordable cost.

  • Affordability:

  • IST offers substantially discounted package to the authors of developing countries.

  • IST invites authors to work as reviewers and save on publishing cost. For example an author, who belongs to a developing country and has also carried out the review of 2 papers for ISTPress, will be required to pay only $110 as publication cost for his own accepted manuscript.

  • IST offers a publishing package where there is zero financial bar on authors. ISTPress offers free publishing opportunity to the authors of articles of high merit, which are referred in the articles of other leading journals (SCI/SCI-E). This credit of the author is transferable to other authors.

  • IST Transactions are aimed to be included in world’s major citation indices; however this aim will be reached by constant improvement in the quality of published articles.


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