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ISTPress Website is Up for Paper Submission

Date: 27 Dec 09

ISTPress issues this First Call-For-Papers and invites you to submit your valuable research articles to one or more of the ISTPress Journals. For details, please browse the website

Signup and Login Issues

Date: 22 Nov 09

Signup Problem:- Although, the website is designed for use with all major internet browsers, but with some versions of Internet Explorer, the successful signup message does not pop up after completing registration, however, in actual the signup has taken place. The same could be verified by visiting your email account used for signup. If you have received an account registration confirmation email, then it means your signup is successful. The next step would be to activate your account using the activation link sent in the email. The activation link may also not work if you have the above problem. Solution:- Please download and install web-browser "Mozilla Firefox" from and use it for signup or activation instead of Internet Explorer. Login Problem:- Although, the website is designed for use with all major internet browsers, however, with some versions of Internet Explorer, the website does not allow login, and as a result of attempt to login, the webpage refreshes to a new homepage. If this happens to you, it will mean that their is some issue with your web-browser. Solution:- Please download and install web-browser "Mozilla Firefox" from and use it for login instead of Internet Explorer.

ISTPress Website is Up for Registration

Date: 22 Nov 09

ISTPress website is up for registration by Authors, Reviewers and Associate Editors. If you face any difficulty in signup/registration, account activation and login, please follow the instructions above or send an email to

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