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ISTPress was established in year 2007 to provide a medium for the publication of technical and scientific literature. The Head Office of ISTPress is located in Hamilton, ON, Canada. The Branch offices are planned to be established in California, London, Beijing, New Delhi, Islamabad and Cairo.

The International Science & Technology Transactions Group is a non-profit organization founded in Canada in 2007. The group contains researchers and academicians from renowned universities and industries all over the world. The purpose of ISTPress is to promote research and development, with a special emphasis on the researchers from developing countries. In future, IST Group also aims to organize/support conferences in developing countries, whose purpose will be to bring top scholars and members of industry together to share new ideas, facilitate cultural exchange and encourage international unity. Unlike many other International forums, these conferences will be affordable

  • Enhanced Readability: ISTPress offers open source and free access to all the published articles and hence readers can gain knowledge about the latest technologies free of cost.

  • Faster Evaluation: International Science and Technology Transactions Press aims to provide an academic platform to researchers where their precious work is evaluated in a timely and affordable manner.

  • Quality of Evaluation: IST invites authors to submit their work for a quality review and in an affordable cost.

  • Affordability:

    • IST offers substantially discounted publishing package to the authors of developing countries.
    • IST invites authors to work as reviewers and save publishing cost at maximum of 60%.
    • IST offers a publication package where there is zero financial bar on authors.
    • IST offers incentives to its reviewers to maintain the quality of review and its transactions.

  • ISTPress invites scholars and academicians to act as Associate Editors for IST Transactions. So far, about 430 scholars, renowned in their respective fields, have joined ISTPress as Associate Editors and Reviewers.

  • ISTPress also invites the scholars to suggest for a new journal. For this purpose, ISTPress extends all possible support (guidance, reviewers/AEs, web services, etc) to launch a new journal from ISTPress platform.

  • IST Transactions are aimed to be included in world's major citation indices; however this aim will be reached by constant improvement in the quality of published articles.

ISTPress Website is Up for Paper Submission

Date: 27 Dec 09

ISTPress issues this First Call-For-Papers and invites you to submit your valuable research articles to one or more of the ISTPress Journals. For details, please browse the website

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